
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The 07th month

What your little one might be doing now:

By seven months your baby should be able to self feed finger foods like cookies, make a wet sound, smile often, make sounds when happy.

Many babies will be able to sit without support, be able to bear some weight on their legs when held upright, try and get a toy that is out of reach, object strongly when you take away a toy, look for an object that has fallen down, pass a toy or some object from one hand to another, try and grasp an object and pick it up in the fist, babble and make different sounds like ma-ma da-da pa-pa ba-ba, play peek-a-boo with fingers and hands.

Some babies might be able to crawl, pass a toy or object from one hand to another, stand on their own holding on to someone or something.

A few, but not all, babies may be able to get into sitting position from stomach, pull up to standing position on their own from sitting, clap or wave bye, walk by holding to furniture, say ‘ma’ ‘mamma’ ‘baba’ ‘papa’.


It is important to note here that not all babies will reach these milestones at the exact same age. One baby might learn something at one month of age, another might learn the same at three months of age. This does in no way imply a lack of intelligence or development on the part of your little one.

Remember, each baby is special in its own way and need their own time to adjust to situations and to learn new things. Do not panic if your baby is not doing what your friend's same-age baby is doing already. Keep an eye on your child and note their daily movements. Sometimes, these activities will be so short in their time span that you may have a chance of not noticing at all, unless you keep paying constant attention. However, if there is constant and marked delay in all of baby's responses, do consult baby's doctor about the same and discuss anything that is on your mind.

Let your baby get all your love and attention. The complete care and love of parents goes a long way in baby's development.

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